Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Inspiration for your day - Oct 5

Have you ever thought of why our world is unraveling?

Everywhere you look; on television, in the news, and covered headlines reveal overwhelming stories of distress. The unemployment numbers are on the rise, the economy is near another recession, and the government debt is under the microscope.

Why is all this happening?

I heard one say it is because people who are in positions of power are trying to get rid of God. At the same time God is put into the political arena for those running for office.

Often times the conflict between political parties come across in harsh and judgmental ways. Opinions and debates are heard with accusations in terms of pointing fingers at the other opponent. Is this anyway to treat another when God is supposed to be at the center of the heart?

A contradiction in terms when the God of this country is not in the hearts of those men and women running this country. For do they really know God?

Tomorrow is a new day. God is a forgiving God. Jesus died for ALL of us. His love UNITES us all.

Our country needs a prayerful revelation. Christians, pray for this country. Pray for our leaders in government. Pray for those running for office. Pray for community to be recognized in the hearts of man.  Pray that others as well as yourself may really know who you are 'In Christ'. 

You don't have to feel guilty. Christ paid the price. He has bought your freedom. You can hold on to God's promise. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

God is faithful. He desires for ALL to come to know Him. Understand and read His word. Do what you are able to do and let God do the rest.

Share your faith. Share your testimony. Build relationships. Practice loving with a faithful heart. Keep lifting your prayers toward heaven. Be joyful and praise His Holy Name.

Get in agreement with God. Acknowledge Him and put Him first place in your life.

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