Saturday, October 22, 2011

Grief, Loss and the Seasons of a Growing Faith

Have you ever felt like Job from the Bible? Someone who lost everything? Sometimes life is really hard. We suffer from losses in our life. We live in a state of fear. Especially when the losses come one after another. It seems like a never ending journey of grief.

Job lost so much yet he never gave up on his faith or in his love for God. Even when his friends told him to, he refused to give up. Can we be like that?

When grief and loss is recent, we do all we can just to get through the day. As time passes, our grief is still present, however it's not all-consuming. We make some progress in accomplishing little things. No one can put a time stamp on grief. Every person experiences it differently.

Today I was reminded of my grief and losses.

It's been a year now, but the memory came back as fresh as it was last summer. I'm different now. I'm stronger. Yet my grief is still there like a whispering wind that flushes over my face when the cool air arrives. It returns like a persistent headache, unrelenting it's hold on me.

I take a moment and look around me. I see God in my life. I see Him working all things out for me. I feel His love embracing me. I may experience the pings of grief for the rest of my life, but I'm absorbed in the faith that God is always with me.

Job was doubly blessed. In time, he received more than he could have asked for. Maybe there's a valuable lesson for me in this. I know my loss is unique to me and there's a reason for it. I'm pressing on and keeping the faith.

For I realize this is such a season for me.

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