Thursday, October 13, 2011

Are you feeling sadness over changes in your life

There is a certain sadness that comes with change. The old things have passed away allowing for new things to be born. 

The sadness comes in the shedding of the things we've been accustomed to, those things that we were comfortable with.

We wonder why we should be sad when the new things being born are better than before. We wonder if we are crazy for feeling sadness when we should be happy.  After all, we tell ourselves, 'isn't this what we always wanted?'

So why are we feeling sad when the change we've desired happens?

Perhaps it's because we don't want to let go of our comfort zone. We are creatures of habit. We do the same things over and over out of necessity but also we repeat the patterns that make us feel comfortable.

There are no risks involved. We know what to expect, when we can expect it, and we learn to be comfortable in our situation.

When we experience change, even if it the change is something we prayed for, we still feel sadness. We grieve over what once was and what we had accomplished. We are in the midst of changing our lives and our future is uncertain. We fear.

If we allow our fear or grief to get in the way, the change we so desire may turn out terribly wrong. We cannot let that happen. We need to muster up as much energy as possible. We need to pull ourselves up by our boot straps and say out loud, "this is the chance for me" "this is my time, now".

It's OK to feel stings of sorrow over the changes in our life but we must not stay there. Like the oceans that rise with the changing tides, we too must rise and go with the flow set before us.

Take this one thing with you today. If you are experiencing a deep change in your life, remember where you were last year, or two years ago... Who you are today is a reflection of your yesterday. Move ahead and allow your life to be the vast experience it is meant to be.

For the weeping of tonight will soon pass into the sunshine of tomorrow.

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