Friday, September 9, 2011

Daily Inspiration - Sept 9

This is the weekend of the tenth anniversary of 911 and we are reminded of that day that changed America. The images and memories of that day continue to be forefront in the media.
People are recalling, reflecting, and remembering 911 in very personal ways. If you watch the networks, you will see many programs and news stories covering this topic.

Remember the day. Say a prayer. Thank God for the blessings in your life.

Remember the people, the heroes of 911. Pray for their families.

Give a hug to your children. Pet your dog. Embrace life with a passion. Love one another. For we do not know how long we have in this world.

The day of 911 keeps that fresh in our mind. That tomorrow is not promised. Make your life count for something. Be a blessing to another. Share your experiences, teach the lessons of life to the younger generations, and become a person of integrity.

Have a Happy Friday. Enjoy this weekend of remembrance and the powerful impact it had on all of us around the world.

Thank God for today and spread His love.

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