Monday, September 12, 2011

Daily Inspiration - Sept 12

Are you exhausted? Are you feeling overwhelmed?
This past weekend was emotional for many people. Waking up to experience the pain and grief once again with the tenth anniversary of 911, many found themselves reliving the day all over.

It's one thing to experience grief over losing someone you love, it's another thing to experience that grief with a nation.

Millions watched the ceremonies on television. For many visitors, it was the first time at Ground Zero. They came to see the site. They came to mourn their loss. For those who didn't experience a direct loss during the September attacks, their grief is still shared.

Every person will experience the pain of losing someone during their lifetime.

Grief is all-consuming. Loss is heart-wrenching. Watching the families, witnessing their grief, unites us all.

For in their sorrow, we feel the same pain.

As you start this new week, moving forward through the pain, find comfort in God's open arms.

Be kind to a stranger, call an old friend, give your children a warm hug, and show people you care.

We are only here for a little while. Make your life count, be a blessing to someone else.

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