Thursday, July 7, 2011

Daily Inspirational Thought - July 7

"[Christians], at their best, know that often they don't know. They do not have all the answers. They do not have God in their pocket. We cannot answer every question that any bright boy in the back row might ask. We have only light enough to walk by." - Howard A. Johnson

This is such a great reminder in life. We cannot expect to have all the answers but we can certainly look to the one who does. For in this life, we may never understand why certain things happen or are allowed.

We can serve as a light to others. Shining in the darkest places to give hope. We can certainly do that. Sometimes all we need to do is be present. Just show up. No words need to be spoken. Just be a listening ear to someone in need.

To have a walk of integrity means to be honest, speak the truth in love, and admit you don't have all the answers. When you struggle to find answers, look to the best resource out there, the Holy Bible. In the scriptures, the answers are there. If you have trouble understanding certain passages, read the Psalms or Proverbs. Some of life's teachings are easily described in those 2 books.

Walk a walk filled with integrity, be the light in someones life and lift up another. Admit you don't have all the answers and know that it is OK.

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