Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Daily Inspiration - Sept 27

"We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles." - Jimmy Carter

The world around us is changing. Daily news headlines remind us the economy is sinking, the government is failing, and the weather disasters happening.

There are louder voices on the Internet. Many protesters and voices wanting to be heard. The ones who once were unspoken about their beliefs are now stepping out and rally their faith to others. Yes, these are changing times.

Holding on to your unchanging principles and values may seem more than an act of faith these days. Sometimes it may feel like you're the only  one holding on to the biblical principles you've been taught.

Atheists are stepping up and letting their voices be heard. They are posting billboards, protesting events and rallying for others to join them. It may seem like the world is heading for disaster, but keep this in mind.

God is the ultimate victor. There is not one single person in the entire world that is stronger than He.
Who created the land? Who created the skies, the stars, the winds, and air that you breathe?

It was not some cosmic force. God is more powerful than anything you may face in this world.

Hold on to your biblical values. Don't let others shake your faith. Remember who you are in Christ. You are more than a conqueror. There is nothing the world can give you that will take that away from you.

Speak out. Don't be afraid to share your faith. Don't be ashamed of being mocked. For the one who lives within you is greater than the one in this world.

When you feel discouraged by the events happening in this world, whisper a prayer to your heavenly Father. Cling to Him in your faith. The world is not your rightful home, this is just a temporary stay. Keep that in mind.
Think of this life as your vacation. A place you visit for a little while until you return home. Enjoy it today. Live in such a way that others around you will see God's light. Keep trusting in Him. Keep your head up.

God loves you! You are special to Him. As you read this message, I pray God is lifting your spirit. May you feel His loving presence as you go about your day.

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