Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Daily Inspiration - July 26

God didn't call us to be successful, but to be faithful.

The road to success or a journey of faith?
As I read these words today I thought about how much I needed to hear them. If I walk through my whole life just going through the motions, how successful would I really be?  What if I had given everything?

If I take my experiences, my circumstances and use them for God's kingdom, would that make me a success?

Am I faithful to carry out the mission set before me?

All of these questions come to mind when comparing success to faith.

Success makes one stop and think, is this my purpose in life? Am I happy? Is this happiness short lived? What does success mean to you?

Faith takes a different turn. Faith says trust in the unknown. It speaks deeper into the spirit of the heart. Faith says turn the other cheek. It says don't give up on your dreams.

Faith doesn't fail you the same way success can break you.

Washing away the pain of hurts, disappointments, and rejections that success can bring, faith offers hope. Faith removes the fears. What does faith mean to you?

Thinking over the successes in your life, did it bring you to another point in your journey? Each success is a milestone along the path of life. Without little successes there is no joy. Finding those moments in life to reflect can renew your faith. Why were you successful? Did it help others? Many times your success is another's path towards hope.

What if you could see your future? What would you do differently today? Fame or fortune. Faith or wisdom.

What would your life be like if you were led by faith?


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