Saturday, June 18, 2011

Daily Inspirational Thought - June 18

Happy Father's Day Weekend

This is a special time for families. Sharing memories, laughter, and family time igniting moments to treasure.

Saturday afternoons spent with family BBQs are one my favorite moments. My father is gone now, but I can remember all those family picnics we took. Growing up my dad loved to go out to the forest perserves and have a family picnic. My brother, sisters and I would play softball in the large fields.

Our family would go hiking through the woods. I remember the smell of those large maples and oaks, especially after a heavy rain. Walking through the fallen leaves and the trampling along the path, I could hear our steps. Dad would be right there each step along the trail.

Telling us things about nature, about the woods, about life. I miss those times, yet I cherish them.
Walk in the trees

This father's day weekend, spend a few moments recalling a special memory you have with your dad. If he is still alive today, let him know how much those little things meant. Bring back one of those cherished memories and thank him.

Prayer is a powerful tool. Take a moment today to say a prayer to lift up those whose fathers were not there for them. For those who had fathers who mistreated them, abused them in some way.  Lift up to God those victims of violence and ask God to bless them with love.

Ask God to help the fathers who don't know how to be fathers. Give them instruction and show them ways they can be godly men.

On this Saturday before Father's Day, this is my prayer to you. Have a blessed weekend.

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