Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thought for the Day - May 26 Faith

Each of us are on a journey. A path in life that will lead us to our destiny, by the choices we make. Whatever road you take, look to wisdom. Whatever path you choose, let God guide you.

Faith is understanding that we cannot do this on our own. We can pray for wisdom in making right choices. We can pray for strength in times of troubles.  We can pray for an increase in faith when our world seems to tumble.

Take Faith with you on your journey. Put it in your shirt pocket, close to your heart and carry it around. When you need a little faith, it's right there, pull it out and hold on to it.

We don't know our future. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. We can make plans, make choices, and walk our path towards freedom.

In Faith we have that freedom. No one can take your faith away. Keep pressing forward on your journey of faith. Look to the Father, ask for wisdom, pray for strength and keep the faith.

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