Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pray for grace

This week mark's the beginning of Easter week. A time in the life of every Christian where personal reflection is necessary. 
As you reflect on Christ's journey to the cross, pray for grace.

Think about the events of those days and the times He lived in. What do you see that is different from the world we live in today?

Many of us live in big cities, rural countries, and suburbs or towns surrounding the larger communities. Not many of us live in deserts but what if we did?

How would our appearance reflect those in Jesus' day?  Would we be celebrating His entry into our hometown?  

“Seated upon a donkey, Jesus resembled a ruler returning to his city in peacetime, loyal subjects lining his path with coats and palm fronds. Even the Pharisees were there watching in indignation, saying, “Look, the world has gone after Him” (John 12:19).” - InTouch Ministries
Jesus was celebrated as a King on Palm Sunday. The followers of Christ were praising and shouting his glory. In today's day, many have this kind of enthusiasm for their favorite sport's teams. Or go to a concert and watch the audience shout out the words to their favorite songs.

What if we had that kind of excitement for Jesus' homecoming?  Pray for grace.
We walk in modern times. We live in a world of technology, fast cars, and Internet connections around the world. Our walk is busy with full schedules and family commitments.
Mark your life so that those who don’t know you, will know there is something different about you. Pray for grace.

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