Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Dreams of Writing Inspire My Soul

Inspiration fills my space. My senses are renewed by the smells, sounds, and whispers of a new breeze of faith. I'm writing more fiction these days in young adult and children's genres. I'm also telling my stories in a new eBook I'm developing. These are exciting times.

I'm curious too. My appetite for writing seeks solutions and I'm reading a lot. It's a juggle of priorities. How can I get my writing done while I'm working a full time job?

My creativity flourishes when I'm reading. I get inspired by other writers then I want to write more. I have so many stories to tell. I can write for hours on end just to get them out.

It's like a water filled jug, when you pour in more water, it lavishly splashes out. I'm like that with words.

I see expressions; I find new ones. I read stories and I want to fill my page with words. 

I have a story to tell. Would you read it? I have something inside me that is bursting to get out. It's a little fiction; it's a little inspiration; and it's a little bit unknown. Would it be something of value? I don't know at this point. All I can figure is that I need to express it. So that is my plan right now.

Faith Dream's Journey is all about progress. Some days, I post scripture and lessons I've learned through my life. Some days, I pay tribute to people, places, and things. For today, it's about my writing journey. Today, I'm sharing with the world my goals and dreams.

I hope to be someone who has made a difference in this world.  I may not have all the answers, but my prayer and hope is to somehow leave a little behind so that others may find what they are looking for. I hope that one day my books will be something that has inspired another or helped someone along the way. 

It is writing from the soul; writing from the heart; and writing with perseverance.
That is my dream.

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