Monday, June 20, 2011

Daily Inspirational Thought - June 20

“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough problems of its own.

The world is filled with don'ts.

Don't drink the water, don't jump on the bed, don't talk back to your mother.

If we live our life worried about all the don'ts, we may never get a chance to do. To take a risk and live the life you are called to do. For all these 'don'ts' there is a reason.

Don'ts are meant to protect you, to guide you, and to fill you with lessons.
Don't Feed the Alligators - They may become aggressive!

Don't worry, be happy. This is a don't that speaks volumes. Happiness is something everyone wants while worry is something we all do.

Don't let life get you down. Turn your worries into hope. Change your thinking and be hopeful. Concentrating on those blessings in your life, the good things and let the don'ts remain.

Use good judgment, be wise, and don't give up on your dreams.

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